Saturday, February 7, 2015

Run soapUI project using ANT script

Following is the sample ANT script to run soapUI project. To run it, you need to copy all the jar files from soapUI installation folder and also add soapUI-xxx.jar from bin folder, and put them in the lib folder and add it to ant classpath.

This ant script support:
1. you can run test by specifying the paramters like suite name, url, user name, password etc.
2. by default it will run all the test cases in the project.
3. it will generate JUnit compatible report.

Please refer my github reporitory for the whole sample code.

<project name="WS-Test"  default="test" >
<property file=""/>
<property name="test.dir" value="test-results"/>
<property name="project.dir" location="project"/>

<target name="clean">
       <delete dir="${test.dir}"/>

<target name="init">
      <mkdir dir="${test.dir}"/>

<target name="test-with-properties" depends="init">
<java classname="" errorproperty="tests-failed" fork="yes" dir="${test.dir}">
 <arg line="-j -M -r -a -f${basedir}/${test.dir}"/>
 <arg value="-e${wsdl.url}"/>
 <arg value="-s${soapui.testsuite}"/>
 <arg value="${project.dir}/${soapui.project}"/>
 <arg value="-x${}"/>
 <arg value="-x${user.password}"/>
<fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>

<target name="test" depends="init">
<java classname="" errorproperty="tests-failed" fork="yes" dir="${test.dir}">
 <arg line="-j -M -r -a -f${basedir}/${test.dir}"/>
 <arg value="${project.dir}/${soapui.project}"/>
<fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>

<target name="test-single-project" depends="init">
<antcall target="run-single-test">
 <param name="project" value="${project.dir}/${soapui.project}"/>

<target name="run-single-test">
   <java classname="" errorproperty="tests-failed" fork="yes" dir="${test.dir}">
 <arg line="-j -M -r -a -f${basedir}/${test.dir}"/>
 <arg value="${project}"/>
<fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>

<target name="report">
<junitreport todir="${test.dir}">
 <fileset dir="${test.dir}">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
 <report format="frames" todir="${test.dir}/reports/html"/>



  1. When the sadness is surging in the chest, the warm will come in time, and ease the pain in your heart. This is life.
