1. I did another session: it was about the theory of constraints thinking process, I love it because I believe it will bring Agile community 2 important things: Scientific method and problem solving tools. At the beginning I feel it might be too dry, but Shawn Button and Thanou encouraged me and told me it might be intersting, so I picked one empty space, and lobbied Thanou joined my session, and later 3 more audience showed up (Jim Rootham, Lee from Intelliware and an other TOC guy). I explained them the overview about the 5 thinking process diagram, looked like they got some ideas.
This is the the over view of the TOC thinking process I hand out to the audiences. all my talks are based on it.
Next step what I need to work on:
- Trying to practice it in daily work, collect all the scenarios I met and write them down into thinking process diagrams, and hopefully I can give them a name if possible. I assume all the software Scrum team will have similar issues I faced, if I created my diagrams, then it will more likely become a general solutions.
- Share with other Agile coaches.
2. The most important thing I feel so pleased is there are more topics about technical side, for example: Thanou, Peter Yu, Paul, and Shawn Button all facilitated excellent sessions. I really appreciate them drew so many attentions. Also I was surprised that I met a lot more developers in the conference than before. This is definitely a good sign that technical side of agile is resurrecting.
This finding definitely inspired me to focus on the technical side of Agile. In future I will focus on my work on the growing Agile developers. If I have a chance to bring talks in future, my topics will focus on:
- What are the essential skills for the Agile Developers?
- How to become the a successful Agile developers?
- Transform from geek to technical leader
- Create Developers Guild and mentor ship in Scotia bank.
- Software craftsmanship movement: define the ethics, code of conduct, and disciplines.
- The learning path of a software craftsman
- Mastery: what can we learn from Samaurai, Myamoto Mushashi and Shushi Master?
- Drefus/ Shu-Ha-Ri learning models
- The strategies for refactoring ( Mikado Method for example)
- How to convince people to practice TDD?